
Guangzhou Chemicals is actively engaged in the import and export of epidemic prevention materials


    At present, the epidemic situation of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia is spreading all over the world. In many countries, there is a serious shortage of epidemic prevention materials such as masks and disinfectants. The spread of the global epidemic has brought new challenges and opportunities to the import and export business of Guangzhou Chemicals. During the epidemic period, the business volume has declined compared to the same period last year, but orders for epidemic prevention materials have increased dramatically.
    After the outbreak of the foreign epidemic, Guangzhou Chemicals business team reacted quickly and acutely captured the market pain point. The team has tapped into the initial customer demands for disinfectant products, faced the difficulties, bravely moved forward, and carefully understood the current export policy and operational details of disinfectant products, while steadily and effectively promoting the export of such commodities. As of late March, the export orders for disinfectant products have exceeded $3 million, not only have they effectively expanded the business, but also have helped other countries during the epidemic through global teamwork.
    In order to adapt to the complex situation of global trade, Guangzhou Chemicals is constantly adjusting the business direction of the epidemic prevention materials according to the epidemic situation and the policy changes of the trading countries.    
    When the domestic epidemic occurred, the business department paid continuous attention to customers’ relevant epidemic prevention resources, in case of a domestic supply shortage. In the wake of the rapid spread of the epidemic abroad, Guangzhou Chemicals has combined the domestic production capacity advantages brought by the resumption of production, and exported materials such as disinfectant products and masks to foreign countries. As the saying goes, ’Lands apart, sky is shared’, the team has maintained a deep friendship with their merchant partners.
    Considering the global epidemic can not be contained in the short term, the demand for epidemic prevention materials will continue to rise. Guangzhou Chemicals will continue to actively carry out the import and export business of epidemic prevention materials, and contribute their own strength towards the international epidemic prevention and control.
Written by Li Canhua


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