
Guangzhou Chemical Industry promotes key projects to achieve the steady and healthy development


    Since the beginning of this year, facing with the severe challenge to foreign trade development caused by the sudden epidemic, Guangzhou Chemical Import & Export Co., Ltd., has been based on its main business and effectively allocated resources, vigorously promoted the development of overseas markets for self-export business, and continued to cultivate key projects such as pharmaceutical raw materials, starch series and minerals. All business segments bucked the trend under the cold current of the epidemic and achieved the steady and healthy development.
    First, with the help of the online Canton Fair, water treatment, pharmaceutical and chemical industry and other domestic professional exhibitions, we intensify our efforts to open up the market and achieve steady growth in self-operated export business. As of the end of August, the company’s self-operated export business has added nearly a hundred new customers, and the export value has achieved a double-digit growth year-on-year.
    Second , the company goes deeply into subdivided industries, vigorously expands starch series projects, and strives to cultivate self-operated sales channels. Since the beginning of this year, in order to better build a food trading platform and cultivate a self-employed sales team, the company vigorously has expanded the upstream supply and marketing channels of starch series, deeped the comprehensive cooperative relationship with the downstream, improved product matching, accumulates industry resources, and further opened up the business chain. Major breakthroughs have been made in construction.
    Third , the company has seized market opportunities and promote mineral import business. Facing the unfavorable international environment under the epidemic situation, the company keenly captures market information, steadily promotes the development of mineral resources projects, continuously builds a stable supply of imported goods and logistics system, and continues to increase the category of mineral imports and expand the scale of import under the premise of risk control.


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